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posted by: crystal vines on 6/15/2017

Panic attacks everyday sleepless nights and breakthrough in finding a new job
I will pray 20 people are praying.
Ongoing Prayer
posted by: Phil Chavez on 1/11/2014

Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 19 years,I'm 41 years old now.... Thank You for Your Prayers
I will pray 47 people are praying.
Pray for healing of mental illness
posted by: Sonia on 3/4/2013

- Pray for me to be independent, self sufficient and healing from mental illness. My husband, do the least that he can to help me, he goes out a lot (I feel very lonely), I am an only child with no family to help. The only one, who can help me, is my mother, who is abusive and doesn’t understand my disease, pray for the healing of our relationship. Pray to God, for me to be able to socialize, indubitable direction to find a Church, and send me Christian friends and help, to be able to fast, pray, read the Bible, time to do the will of God, and go to Church and serve the Lord in peace.
I will pray 44 people are praying.
Prayer for the Saints
posted by: Elder Myron Wilson on 2/24/2012

Praying for all the saints of God, that his blessings will continue to shower down upon us and that we will have a desire to do His will.
I will pray 72 people are praying.
Website Creation
posted by: Elder Myron Wilson on 2/21/2012

Please pray that we get this website up and running soon. Thanks
I will pray 71 people are praying.